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Advance Laparoscopy

Advanced laparoscopy is an open procedure in which an incision is created in the abdomen's skin. The incision might be several inches long, but it is normally no longer than a half-inch long. Minimally invasive surgery is another term for advanced laparoscopic surgery. Dubai is well-known for its success in laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is also known as minimally invasive surgery since it uses a very small incision (half an inch or less) instead of a huge incision used in traditional open operations. Trocars (pen-shaped tubes with a valve) are inserted into the abdominal cavity through these incisions. Filling the abdominal cavity with CO2 allows for improved organ vision and manipulation. The laparoscope (a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera on the front) is introduced via the incision and transmits real-time high-definition images to a video monitor. 


The instruments are withdrawn after the treatment, and the incisions are stitched and bandaged. Traditional surgical treatments demand a different skillset and training than laparoscopic surgery. In gallbladder surgery, splenectomy, adrenalectomy, anti-reflux operations, and weight reduction surgery, sophisticated laparoscopic surgeries have become the gold standard. Laparoscopic surgery has a significant improvement in postoperative pain and a shorter recovery period as compared to standard surgery. Within a week, the patient should be able to resume all usual activities. The best laparoscopic surgeons are found in Dubai. They provide the best pre and post facilities for surgery.



Reasons why Advance Laparoscopy is performed:

  1. Fibroids:

Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop on the inside or outside of the uterus's wall. Fibroids are not usually malignant (benign). Fibroids, on the other hand, have a minimal probability of becoming cancerous (malignant). Fibroids can be removed using advanced laparoscopic surgery.

2. Ovarian Cyst:

Ovarian cysts can form on the ovaries of some women. Although most cysts will go away on their own, there are some cases where ovarian cysts will require treatment. If you have ovarian cysts that need to be removed, advanced laparoscopic surgery is a safe technique to do it.

3. Endometriosis:

If drugs haven't helped a patient with endometriosis symptoms, advanced laparoscopic surgery may be used. A laparoscope is used to inspect the inside of a patient's pelvis. If endometriosis tissue is discovered during surgery, it will be excised.

4. Pelvic Floor Condition:

Urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse may require advanced laparoscopic surgery.

5. Cancer:

Some cancers, such as ovarian cancer, may require this type of surgery to be removed.

The tiny incisions will be closed after sophisticated laparoscopic surgery is completed. The patient will be transferred to a recovery room and sedated for one to two hours. Because of the anesthetic that was used during the surgery, some patients may experience nausea. Many modern laparoscopic operations allow patients to leave the same day as the surgery. Patients must, however, stay under medical observation until they have emptied their bladders and are able to get up independently. Some complex laparoscopic operations, such as a laparoscopic hysterectomy, require patients to stay overnight in the hospital.

Patients might anticipate being exhausted and in mild discomfort for a few days after surgery. There will be discomfort where the abdominal incisions were done. Patients may develop a sore throat as a result of the tube that was inserted into their throat to assist them in breathing during the treatment. Patients may experience pain in their shoulders and backs as a result of a little quantity of gas remaining in their abdomens for a few days after surgery.

Although each patient's recovery is unique, most people who have undergone surgery can resume light activities one to two days after the treatment. Patients, on the other hand, will take longer to undertake demanding activities. Before resuming activities, all patients should consult with their doctor.

Image by JC Gellidon

About Dr. Ghodratollah Nowrasteh

Dr. Ghodratollah Nowrasteh is a surgical oncologist with a doctorate in Medicine from the Medical University of Pécs in Hungary. He has a Qualification in Breast Surgery from the European Board of Surgery in Belgium and a Qualification in Surgical Oncology from the European Board of Surgical Oncology.


Dr. Nowrasteh is a highly experienced expert at the many kinds of cases handled by the General Surgery department, including surgery for breast cancer, thyroid cancer, colorectal cancer, and soft tissue tumours. He performs minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries. He also uses laparoscopic techniques to perform hernia, gallbladder, appendix and gastro intestinal surgeries in addition to performing colorectal and proctology (fistula, haemorrhoids, pilonidal sinus, etc...) related surgeries.

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